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Government Of Assam Industries & Commerce Commissionerate of Industries & Commerce

Functions and Objectives


  • Development of industries in the state.
  • Registration and licensing of new industrial undertakings.
  • Acquisition of land for industrial purpose.
  • Development of Industrial area.
  • State's participation in Private sector undertakings.
  • Industrial survey.
  • Creation and maintenance of Industrial Estates.
  • Organizing Exhibition, Industries Fairs within and outside the state.


  • Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
  • Entrepreneurship and Skill Development
  • Facilitating Infrastructure Development
  • Promotion of Investment and growth in the industrial sector in the state through private/ public/ public private partnerships
  • Publicity and Marketing support to industries
  • Preparation of a policy paper for inclusive growth


  1. To carry out potential Survey , Pre-feasibility , Study with regards to potentially viable projects for investors.
  2. To motivate and guide the youths as well as potential investors/ entrepreneurs for setting up industrial units in the state.
  3. To provide technical and managerial consultancy services to the entrepreneurs to the best possible extent .
  4. To provide infrastructure to the entrepreneurs, arranging workshop, training programme, Seminars, Exhibitions, etc. for motivating entrepreneurs for setting up various enterprises.
  5. To provide financial assistance in the form of various subsidies under different schemes/policies.
  6. To implement various schemes formulated by Central/State Government for industrial development.
  7. To assist the State Govt. in formulation of policies , programmes, projects, schemes, etc. for promotion and development of industries.
  8. Liaison with State/ Central Government, other concerned agencies for various works related to industrial development, etc.
  9. Any other matter entrusted by the Central/State Government from time to time.